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International Dhammaduta
Training Institute

For peace and prosperity in a world troubled by conflicts
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Welcome to the homepage of the International Dhammaduta Training Institute. This page is a brief summary of the planned activities of the Institute.

Note: this site is under construction, some parts may not be fully functional or complete yet.

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This site is currently under construction.

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Last site update:
December 10, 2010

Peaceful resolution of conflicts...

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... is often a long and difficult process that requires compassion, mutual trust, and a thorough understanding of the problems at hand.

The International Dhammaduta Training Institute is dedicated to the goal of finding means to increase peace, understanding and prosperity all over the world, using universal Buddhist principles as the governing guidelines but in no way excluding contributions and valuable insights from other religious traditions or modern science.

The Buddha was the undisputed master of resolving the conflicts and dilemmas of his own time. He always sought facts, and asked no one to accept ideas without fully understanding them. In the same tradition, the International Dhammaduta Training Institute seeks to study and research the particular nature of conflicts and problems between nations and people in our modern times. The human predicament is still largely the same as it was during the time of the Buddha, but circumstances and conditions are changing in a pace never before equalled in the history of mankind. The International Dhammaduta Training Institute wishes to embrace this change and apply the wisdom and creative thinking of our brightest minds to the most important challenge of them all:

How can we human beings find ways to bridge the walls of culture, religions, wars and beliefs in order to arrive at sustainable and prosperous means of living together in peace, understanding and mutual respect?

Without doubt, this is an important, ambitious and difficult undertaking. Your contribution and support is needed in whatever way you can give it. Please refer to the detailed description available here for additional details on the project. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want more information.