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International Dhammaduta
Training Institute

For peace and prosperity in a world troubled by conflicts
Currently viewing: Dhammaduta » Contact

This page contains information about how to come into contact with representatives of the International Dhammaduta Training Institute.

Note: this site is under construction, some parts may not be fully functional yet.

How to get into contact with representatives for the International Dhammaduta Training Institute

Gravatar example Chairman of the board:
Venerable Kirindigalle Dhammarathana Nayaka Thero
Email address: k.dhammarathana.thero @
Telephone: +46 8 580 313 23
Fax: +46 8 500 070 18
Mobile: +46 70 729 54 65

Rev. Gnanarathana Thero: +94(0)776194268
Mr.Ajith Dhanayaka: +94(0)711796897
Ven. Dhammananda Nayaka Thero: +94(0)718143676
Mr.G.B.Wijesingha: +94(0)112856465

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this web site (or if you find errors) please contact Anusha at email webmaster @

We would also like to direct special thanks to Andreas Viklund, a talented young web designer who constructed the free CSS template that this site was based on. A lot of metta to you!

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