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It is becoming increasingly evident that a social problem that requires the most urgent attention is that of social conflicts and tensions developing into extremely destructive wars in many parts of the world. Despite the past experience of two major world wars that inflicted immense suffering on humanity, the tendency to choose war as the most effective option to resolve disagreements between groups or even nations continues unabated. Many nations of the world that have the required economic means and strength are engaged in equipping themselves with weapons of war having increased efficiency in destroying life. Valuable human life is destroyed in the battlefields, dissipating human energy and resources, which could be diverted to much more sensible and constructive activity for the attainment of greater well being for all humanity. Material resources which could be used for improving the conditions of a large section of humanity who still live in destitution are diverted to the production and acquisition of weapons of war.
The teaching of the Buddha recognizes the tendency to engage in conflict as a perennial problem in the social life of human beings and provides an explanation of it tracing it primarily to human folly or ignorance that produces unwholesome emotions and motivations that assume a collectivized form in the larger social context. Buddhist teachings do not attach a positive value to conflict, considering conflict as necessarily evil and unwholesome. They seek to provide guidance and counsel to people to achieve peace within themselves and in their social life by developing insight into the deep-rooted psychological sources of conflict and adopting effective psychological and sociological techniques to prevent and to overcome the human tendency to engage in conflict. The wealth of the material contained in Buddhism and its traditions that can be immensely contributory in the current global context for the promotion of peace remains yet unexplored.
The Dhammaduta International Training Institute, (IDTI) hopes to establish the necessary physical and intellectual infrastructure for the serious engagement in research for the promotion of peace primarily through the exploration of the insights and wisdom contained in Buddhism. The IDTI recognizes the significant role that other religious traditions also can play in this endeavour. Therefore it hopes to collaborate with all leaders and representatives of other religious traditions who share the same interest in researching into ways and means of promoting global peace.
With this end in view the Dhammaduta International Training Institute (IDTI), has already been formally established under the Chairmanship of Ven. Kirindigalle Dhammarathana Nayaka Thera. The Public Trustee of the Government of Sri Lanka has been appointed as the Director cum Security Trustee of the above IDTI. A sum of Sri Lankan Rupees one hundred thousand (Rs. 100,000/-) has already been deposited under the Public Trustee’s Department of Sri Lanka as initial capital with a view to develop this fund from a variety of funding sources in order to carry out the activities of the Trust in accordance with its ends and objectives. A suitable location consisting of an extent of land 1r 10p has already been identified in the Kesbewa Electorate of the Colombo district and duly allocated to the Trust for the construction of a suitable building complex for the effective implementation of its programmes and activities.
Conducting study and research into the common and widespread social conflicts and social problems confronted by people in the context of the rapidly changing conditions of contemporary life with a view to understanding and explaining them as well as investigating into possible ways of resolving them in terms of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism.
Paving the way for providing practical guidance for the promotion of prosperous and harmonious social living based on Buddhist wisdom and insights.
To collaborate with leaders and representatives of other religious traditions in seeking appropriate ways and means of promoting global peace and harmony.
Having an impact on the religious, social and political leadership of the world in the long run based on the investigations and educational activities of the Trust.
Organization of lectures, conferences and seminars relating to peace studies
Conducting dialogues with the participation of persons committed to the principles of other religious traditions and persons knowledgeable in the social sciences with a view to gaining broader perspectives on peace studies through inter-religious and inter-disciplinary approaches.
Organizing and implementing programmes for psychological counseling using Buddhist techniques of psychotherapy and meditation.
Establishment of study groups with representatives of different religious traditions for the purpose of investigating into specific themes related to peace studies.
Publication of literature relevant to peace studies in the form of books, articles and journals.
Development of a library containing the current literature relevant to peace studies.
Conducting peace education programmes aimed at youth and school children.
Training of youth for taking leadership in peace initiatives on the basis of Buddhist principles.
Promote coordination with other organizations having similar objectives.
During Phase I, of the Project Dhammaduta International Training Institute for Peace and Prosperity (DIBRIP&P), intends to establish the necessary physical and intellectual infrastructure for the serious engagement in research for the promotion of peace through the exploration of the insights and wisdom contained in Buddhism and other religious traditions.
The relevant expertise shall be drawn from Universities of Sri Lanka, such as, Peradeniya, (Kandy), Colombo, Jayawardanapura, Kelaniya and Ruhuna. Personnel with expertise in the relevant area of study in the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Political Science and Sociology shall work in close collaboration with the Project Director.
Establishment of Three (3) study groups for the purpose of investigating into specific themes related to peace studies.
The three study groups shall be headed by 3 full-time experts on the selected themes assisted by 7 others working on part-time basis. Every facility shall be extended to these respective groups to conduct their investigations into special themes (previously determined) relevant to peace studies.
The findings of the study groups shall be well documented and edited to facilitate the publication of such material, which shall be made use of to formulate future activities and programmes of the Research Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
Conduct ‘DIALOGUES’ with the participation of persons committed to the principles of other religious traditions and Social Scientists.
The Dialogues shall be conducted with specially invited persons committed to the principles of other religious traditions and those knowledgeable in Social Sciences with a view to gaining broader perspectives on peace studies through inter-religions and inter-disciplinary approaches.
During the Phase I of this DIBRIP&P, Six (6) Dialogues shall be conducted. In each Dialogue, two or more ‘committed and knowledgeable’ persons shall be invited to present papers on specially assigned themes. Not more than 50 others shall also be invited to participate in each such Dialogue with a view to promoting productive discussions, brainstorming sessions and workshop type engagements. Any illuminating ideas or conclusions reached at these sessions will be documented, edited and published with a view to facilitating continuing dialogues and discussions.
Training Programmes on Psychological Counseling
Steps will be taken for the implementation and evaluation of programmes for Psychological Counseling using ‘Buddhist Techniques’ of psychotherapy and meditation. First appropriate training modules shall be developed and secondly, these modules shall be made use of for the training of trainers programmes.
In formulating the training modules, seven committed and knowledgeable persons shall be invited to sit at three consecutive sessions with a view to identifying and formulating these training modules. This activity shall be continued into the Phase II of the DIBRIP&P for further development of training modules to suit the different target groups to be trained.
Five numbers training of trainers programmes shall be conducted. Participants shall be given residence for the duration of 10 days each. Three (3) resource persons shall be selected for each session, who shall be called upon to conduct training of 30 participants at each such training session. There shall be five (5) such training sessions (of 10 days duration) to produce 150 trainers. The training so offered will be subjected to evaluation. The trainers shall thereafter be mobilized to train others at community level.
The training programmes shall continue into Phase II of the Project.
Annual Publication of a Research Institute Journal consisting of material relevant to Peace Studies.
During Phase I of the IDTI an Annual Journal containing research publications in Sinhala Tamil and English shall be published. They shall be circulated both nationally and internationally with a view to disseminating information necessary to promote peace education. This activity shall continue into Phase II.
Organize and conduct PEACE EDUCATION Programmes to target groups such as policy makers, Senior Administrators, Professionals, School and business communities.
It is of paramount importance that awareness programmes be conducted aimed at various target groups. Policy makers are a key group that should be enlightened regarding peace initiatives, and research findings relating to promotions of peace. These education programmes should be followed up to embrace Senior Administrators, Professionals, School and business communities, among others.
Collaboration with other organizations and Institutions, both locally and internationally having similar objectives, and initiation of international Seminars with a view to introducing and discussing the research findings.
During the Phase I of the DIBRIP&P much time shall be spent in the process of planning and formulating strategies in the mobilization of International Organizations located in different Countries. The Collaboration of such organizations shall be sought in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of programmes for the promotion of peace.
Establishment, development, and maintenance of a Research library
An important segment in the Institute is its library. Considerable effort will be made to develop the library and a data-base to facilitate investigations and research.
The local component of the Project budget provides for the cost of the land (this has been already granted by the Department of Public Trustee of the Government of Sri Lanka). The programme costs etc. shall be received from other Agencies and private donors. Further, a FUND has been already created with an initial deposit of one hundred thousand Sri Lankan Rupees to receive such contributions made towards the FUND from both local and foreign funding sources.